
National Wildlife Week 2023 - Quiz Series - Threats to Wildlife Survival

Threats to Wildlife Survival: The Global Challenge Quiz

Welcome to a quiz that delves deep into the myriad threats faced by wildlife, encompassing habitat loss, human encroachments, pollution, and more.

Total Questions: 40 multiple choice questions (MCQ) that unravel the intricate challenges endangering the survival of our planet's diverse wildlife.

Time Allotted: 15 minutes. Traverse the complexities of wildlife survival, but keep an eye on the time!

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After concluding the quiz, participants will receive a detailed overview of the questions along with their correct answers. Furthermore, those exhibiting exemplary knowledge will be presented with a certificate of excellence. Embark on this enlightening journey and deepen your understanding of the threats to global wildlife survival!

The number of attempts remaining is 5

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1 / 40

1. What is a primary reason for the extinction of many plant species in Hawaii?

2 / 40

2. Which of the following poses a significant threat to the integrity of protected areas in India?

3 / 40

3. Which animal is heavily trafficked for its ivory tusks?

4 / 40

4. The Tasmanian tiger or thylacine, native to Australia, went extinct in the 20th century due to:

5 / 40

5. Why is it important to conserve even the venomous snake species?

6 / 40

6. What poses a significant threat to the remaining rainforests of Madagascar?

7 / 40

7. In many ecosystems, feral cats have been linked to the decline of:

8 / 40

8. Which factor is majorly responsible for the decline of the African elephant population?

9 / 40

9. Which animal is hunted for its bile in certain East Asian countries, posing a threat to its wild populations?

10 / 40

10. The illegal wildlife trade, threatening the biodiversity of protected areas in India, is primarily driven by demand for:

11 / 40

11. Bear bile farms, which pose serious concerns for animal welfare, cater to demands for traditional medicine in which region?

12 / 40

12. The Pinta Island Tortoise, native to the Galápagos Islands, saw its last member pass away in 2012. What was the main reason for its extinction?

13 / 40

13. The Californian Condor saw a decline in its population majorly due to:

14 / 40

14. India's vulture population drastically reduced due to:

15 / 40

15. Cheetahs, native to Africa, are facing a decline due to:

16 / 40

16. Which large mammal, once found across the Eurasian continent, went extinct due to overhunting in the 17th century?

17 / 40

17. The global decline in amphibian populations, like frogs, is majorly due to:

18 / 40

18. Which of the following is a significant threat posed by feral cats to native wildlife?

19 / 40

19. Jaguars in the Amazon rainforest are particularly threatened by:

20 / 40

20. Which bird, once the most numerous in the world and native to North America, went extinct due to commercial hunting and habitat destruction?

21 / 40

21. The Asiatic cheetah, once found in India, went extinct in the country due to:

22 / 40

22. Which of the following is a primary threat to the Blue Whales?

23 / 40

23. The extinction of 'Wood's Cycad' in the wild was primarily due to:

24 / 40

24. The Great Auk, a flightless bird of the northern Atlantic, went extinct in the 19th century due to:

25 / 40

25. Which of the following is a primary threat posed by the wildlife trade to biodiversity?

26 / 40

26. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is a global agreement to:

27 / 40

27. The iconic Indian Tiger faces threats from:

28 / 40

28. Which is the major threat causing the decline in bat populations in North America?

29 / 40

29. Domestic dogs, when left unsupervised, can pose a threat to wildlife by:

30 / 40

30. The endemic Andaman shrew, found only on the Andaman Islands, faces potential extinction threats from:

31 / 40

31. What major threat does the Great Indian Bustard face?

32 / 40

32. How is the melting of Arctic ice a threat to the global walrus population?

33 / 40

33. Which plant species went extinct in the wild and was later re-discovered in a garden in the UK in the 20th century?

34 / 40

34. Infrastructure projects, such as roads and dams, within protected areas can lead to:

35 / 40

35. Which invasive species threatens the native fish of the Vembanad Lake in Kerala?

36 / 40

36. The dodo, a flightless bird, went extinct on the island of Mauritius primarily due to:

37 / 40

37. Pangolins are among the most trafficked animals. What is a primary reason for their illegal trade?

38 / 40

38. Which of the following is posing a major threat to the koala populations in Australia?

39 / 40

39. Which industry poses the most immediate threat to orangutans in Borneo and Sumatra?

40 / 40

40. What's a major threat to marine ecosystems worldwide?

Your score is


Threats to Wildlife: A Global Perspective

Across our planet, the breathtaking diversity of wildlife is at risk. As human populations grow and their needs expand, the natural world faces unprecedented challenges. The threats are multifaceted, from habitat destruction and climate change to illegal trade. Here’s a closer look at the primary threats that wildlife faces globally:

  1. Habitat Destruction and Fragmentation:
    Description: Urban development, agriculture, logging, and infrastructure projects lead to habitat loss, the primary threat to 85% of all species described on the IUCN’s Red List.
    Impact: Fragmented habitats can lead to ‘island populations’ which lack genetic diversity. Over time, this can increase susceptibility to diseases and reduce reproductive success.
  2. Climate Change:
    Description: Altered weather patterns, rising sea levels, and increased temperatures disrupt habitats and migratory patterns.
    Impact: Polar bears, for example, are suffering due to melting ice caps, which reduces their hunting grounds. Coral reefs, vital for marine biodiversity, are bleaching and dying because of warmer ocean temperatures.
  3. Overexploitation:
    Description: Overfishing, hunting, logging, and harvesting push many species to the brink of extinction. Impact: The dodo, passenger pigeon, and western black rhino have all been lost due to this threat. Many others, like certain shark species, are critically endangered due to overfishing.
  4. Illegal Wildlife Trade:
    Description: Wildlife trafficking is a multi-billion-dollar illicit trade that’s decimating many species.
    Impact: Animals like rhinos and elephants are poached for their horns and tusks, respectively. Exotic pets, traditional medicines, and souvenirs also fuel this trade.
  5. Pollution:
    Description: Pesticides, plastics, industrial waste, and oil spills contaminate water and land habitats.
    Impact: Chemical pollutants can be ingested by marine life, impacting their reproductive and survival rates. On land, pesticides like DDT have decimated bird populations by thinning their eggshells.
  6. Invasive Species:
    Description: Non-native species introduced to new habitats can outcompete, prey on, or bring diseases to local species.
    Impact: The brown tree snake in Guam has pushed many local bird species to extinction. Invasive plant species can also choke out local flora, altering habitats.
  7. Disease:
    Description: Disease, sometimes spread due to increased contact with humans or livestock, can have devastating effects on wildlife.
    Impact: White-nose syndrome in bats and chytridiomycosis in amphibians are examples of diseases that have wiped out large numbers of individuals.
  8. Human-Wildlife Conflict:
    Description: As humans encroach into wild areas, conflicts can occur, leading to retaliatory killings of animals.
    Impact: Tigers, leopards, and elephants often face backlash from local communities when they prey on livestock or destroy crops.
  9. Industrialization and Development:
    Description: Large-scale projects like dams, roads, and mines fragment habitats and can lead to significant ecological imbalance.
    Impact: Migratory routes may be disrupted, breeding grounds lost, and local flora and fauna displaced or destroyed.