A part of the Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve, Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the richest areas of biodiversity in the Western Ghats. Located in Thenmala, Pathanapuram taluk of Kollam district, Kerala, with a notified area of 171 sq.km., the sanctuary was established in the year 1984. It derives its name from the local name (Chenkurinji) of an endemic tree – Gluta travancorica.
Type of forests:
- Vegetation of the area could be classified into:
- West Coast Tropical Evergreen Forest
- West Coast Tropical Semi-EvergreenForest
- Southern Hilltop Tropical Evergreen Forest
- SouthernSubtropical Hill Forest
- Southern Secondary Moist Mixed Deciduous Forest
- Ochlandra Reed Brakes
- Myristica Swamp Forest
- Grasslands

Raorchestes manohari Photo: Sandeep Das
Talk by A Shanavas IFS about the Shendurney wildlife sanctuary conducted as part of National Wildlife Week
35 species of mammals, 36 species of reptiles, 45 species of frogs, 42 species of fish, 266 species of birds and 257 species of butterflies have been reported from the sanctuary through various surveys. Of these the Bengal tigers that have been captured on camera traps, the troops of Lion-tailed macaques, nesting River terns, amphibians like Raorchestes chalazodes, Raorchestes manohari, and Raorchestes agasthyaensis, reptiles like Indian kangaroo lizards, Travancore tortoise, and the King cobras that frequent the myristica swamps, and the exclamation barb Dawkinsia exclamatio deserve special mention.

Raorchestes agasthyaensis Photo: Sandeep Das

Raorchestes chalazodes Photo: Sandeep Das
The sanctuary consists of three zones: the core zone, the buffer zone, and the eco-tourism zone. The tourism zone constitutes 28% of the total sanctuary area and regulated tourism is allowed here. The major portion of the Kallada reservoir falls in this zone. Boating, medicinal garden, visiting deer rehabilitation center, and an information center are some of the facilities provided. Nature camps are also regularly held in the sanctuary.
How to reach:
The Sanctuary is almost equidistant from Thiruvananthapuram (75km) and Kollam (66km) and has regular bus services from both locations.
Nearest township: Punalur
Closest railway station: Punalur
Closest airport: Thiruvananthapuram International Airport

lion-tailed macaque – Macaca silenus Photo: Dhruvaraj S